Glassdooris reporting an Employment Confidence Survey today that shows robust and increasing confidence in the job market-- never mind most of the nation remains gripped in 9% unemployment with
only a little hope of things getting better. 40% of�respondents�expect their company's outlook to improve in the next six months and just 17% are concerned about a possible layoff, down from 26% in the first quarter of 2009. And there's decent�optimism�that should they lose their jobs, 40% of them say it is "likely" they would find a new job matching their experience and pay within six months-- the highest that number has been in six quarters. Glassdoor notes that "only" 35% of�respondents�expected to get a raise within the next 12 months, but given the top line economic data for the country, that still seems pretty healthy to me. While unemployment is getting better, the numbers say as much about who uses Glassdoor as anything else.

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